The Pitfalls of People-Pleasing: A Look into Fawning and Autism
People-pleasing is not solely about wanting to avoid confrontation; it’s also about the fear of being seen as a “bad person.”
The Hidden Struggles of Working as an Autistic Person
Only 29% of autistic people are in full-time or part-time employment and face a lower employment rate compared to other disabilities. Here are 3 reasons why autistic people find the workplace challenging.
Today’s Eugenics: Autism & Ableism
Today’s eugenics: the relationship between modern-day eugenics and the rising ableism in society.
Autism & Alexithymia
What is alexithymia? Alexithymia refers to trouble identifying, understanding, and describing emotions.
Masking: The Hidden Truth Behind Autism and Camouflaging
Camouflaging is a subconscious strategy by autistic people to hide parts of their autistic qualities to fit in with a group in social situations.